Frequently Asked Questions

How is Titan Online Music Education Series different than other music education videos that are posted in quantity on YouTube and elsewhere?

We’ve experienced first-hand the challenge of searching for instructional videos pulled from YouTube, then adding a 2 page selection of theory from an exercise book and a 4 page selection of exercises from a different exercise book, tacking on some worksheets from a website we stumbled across, then including some personal lesson presentations to fill in the gaps, just to provide a starting place for some students to begin playing music in the ensemble. While you are working with one set of students, the other students wait for their turn and you begin assembling information from multiple sources all over again for the different instruments. With its Online Music Education Series, Titan not only conveys the music theory necessary to build a strong musical foundation, it also provides the exact content needed by students to learn to play an instrument. How is this done? By connecting the students with capable musicians and educators who know what and how to present content that is pertinent and useful. The benefits to you as the teacher are that the content is sequenced and scaffolded so that you don’t have to search in numerous locations to gather the information needed to meet a particular curricular outcome. Furthermore, the problem of how you are going to assess the student goes away because the assessments are built right into the music instruction videos.

Who are the video hosts in Titan's Online Music Education Series?

The hosts for Titan Online Music Education Series are not just experienced and competent educators, they are experienced and competent musicians. In the videos, a guitarist will not be teaching bass and a vocalist will not be teaching piano, just like a math specialist would not be best to teach music concepts. With Titan’s music education videos, you get a qualified musician and educator teaching an instrument that they are fully capable and functional on.

What instructional videos do you offer?

We have established a set of instructional videos for an extensive list of instruments with a plan to continuously add more instruments and more in-depth and advanced instructional videos to our library. Specific videos can be produced on request as well.

What sorts of live music offerings do you provide? Do you provide ethnic music ensembles with authentic instrumentation?

If it’s music, we can provide it. No genre is too obscure. Many of our music offerings can include dancers too.

Are there other unique music solutions available that aren’t specifically highlighted on Titan’s website?

Considering the extensive knowledge and experience of our musicians, it only makes sense to utilize them for master classes, not only for students but for teachers as well. Conducting, rehearsing a band, repertoire consultation, sectional instruction, arranging, composition – these are all areas of expertise of our instructors that we offer to our clients. Through our vast collection of professional contacts we can also offer transcription, composition, and arranging services. If your company requires a corporate jingle, your awards ceremony needs some audio clip stingers, or your presentation or video needs sound production, Titan can fulfill these needs. If there is a music service that you need and you don’t see it listed on our website, just ask and we will do what it takes to make it happen.

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